Friday, August 2, 2013

Best in Class Awards for 2013

+PoolandSpaNews a Nevada based  pool and Spa website, announced the winners of their 2013 Best Of Class Awards for companies in the pool and spa industry. use various sources of information when choosing the winners in each category.  Among the winners for this years Best of Class Hot Tub, Spa & Swim Spa Innovations were notables Arctic Spas, Beachcomber Hot Tubs, and Bullfrog Spas, who released a completely redesigned Spa in 2013.  Look at the article below for a full list of award winners.

Best in Class for 2013

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Welcome - Lets get wet!

Hello and welcome to Soaked!  My name is Tyrell MacLean and my goal with this blog is to help and inform people about hot tubs.  From repair to purchasing to just plain soaking and relaxing.

Let me tell you a little about myself.  I am from Yorkton,Sk where I own a retail store, +Soakers Hot Tub Rentals & Sales.  We sell +Bullfrog Spas the world's only customizable hot tubs.  The secret is in the JetPaks, not the same ones that George Jetson would be sporting but modular seat backs that house the jets.  There are 16 different JetPaks ranging from the gentle massage of the "RainShower" to the powerful "NeckBlaster".  With 16 different JetPaks and 20 different models these hot tubs are like snowflakes - no two are the same.

We sell Filbur filters and Spa Life chemicals.  Also on our shelves is a product called Spa Marvel which is another product that is changing the way soakers enjoy their hot tub experience. Spa Marvel is an all natural formulation of enzymes, minerals and plant extracts that virtually eliminates the need for chemicals, while being safe on the users and environment.

That's all for now - Time for a SOAK!

Leave your comments if you have visited our store or if you have a Bullfrog or tried our products.